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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

CP4ALL has been developed starting from real needs expressed by Civil Protection organizations and local authorities' organizations, which have touched with their hands the lack of specialized operators, in particular when it comes to emergency situations and several volunteers arrive on site and start supporting CP organizations.

CP4ALL aims to create specific profiles that will operate together and/or inside Civil Protection and Red Cross organizations and which will be competent for dealing with kids in the post disaster phase. These profiles will be trained for working in an international environment so to be available not only during emergencies at national level but also in support to the other CP4ALL teams that will be trained in the other EU project Countries.


Europena Project Consulting srl - EPC SRL

Via Prati, 11

36031 Povolaro di Dueville



Project coordinators

  • Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BG)
  • European University of Cyprus (CY)
  • Municipality of Idrija (SI)
  • Centre for Social Welfare of Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace (GR)
  • Regional Centre for Study and Training for Prevention in Civil Protection (IT)
  • Mancomunidad Integral Sierra de San Pedro (ES)

Presentation of the project at the kick off meeting

Final report