The particular objectives that the workshop will attempt to realise are the following:
to provide a platform for the exchange of views, ideas and practices on contingency planning between experts from Member States;
to assess the existing level of cooperation between Member States and among stakeholders on the national level and suggest ways to improve cooperation through coordination of activities;
to promote a framework of cooperation among stakeholders active both in the field of marine pollution prevention and response (clean up activities in order to minimise marine pollution incidents and mitigate environmental damage);
to highlight common factors that will help establish uniformity in the application of contingency planning;
to identify particularities of States or areas demanding special measures for contingency planning in order to consider the feasibility of establishing European guidelines.
HELMEPA - Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association
- Start date
- 1 Jan 2004
- Project locations
- Greece
- EU contribution
- €110 729