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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

Development and implementation of e-Tools for Volcanic Hazard Assessment and Risk Management (VeTools)

The project will facilitate interaction and cooperation between scientists and Civil Protection Agencies in order to share, unify, and exchange procedures, methodologies and technologies to effectively reduce the impacts of volcanic disasters by improving assessment and management of volcanic risk.

The project aims at
1) improving and developing volcanic risk assessment and management capacities in active volcanic regions;
2) developing universal methodologies, scenario definitions, response strategies and alert protocols to cope with the full range of volcanic threats;
3) improving quantitative methods and tools for vulnerability and risk assessment;
4) defining thresholds and protocols for civil protection.


Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Calle Serrano 117
ES-28006 Madrid

Project coordinators

  • University of Iceland (IS)
  • Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (PT)

Presentation at the kick off meeting

Final report