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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
  • Project

Development of European Guidelines for potentially polluting wrecks

Disregarding the nature of goods transported at the time of the incident, each wreck itself releases toxic compounds to the rounding water. Namely, bunker oil, chemical compounds such as antifouling paints, coaling gasses and many others pollute the environment.

The objective of the project is to provide European coastal States national administrations with guidelines and criteria to face the environmental threats which might arise from potentially polluting shipwrecks.

The final products will be a database, implemented with a Geographic Information System (GIS), able to provide the relevant information on the matter and to classify the shipwrecks on the basis of the environmental risk they potentially pose. Moreover, the database will contain information regarding the possible technologies applicable to monitor and/or clean up the market target, considering also the financial and legal aspects.

Project report

Guidelines proposal

Outcomes of the workshop