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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

Enhancing Assessment in Search and Rescue (EASeR)

Area of activity/subject: USAR assessment

Summary of the project: EASeR targets a specific aspect of USAR assessment called “barrier effect” during emergency interventions in response to natural catastrophes, especially earthquakes. The term “barrier effect” refers to obstacles due to a wide range of environmental factors such as: heavy snow, traffic due to damage to the road system, escaping in narrow/limited escape routes, road interruptions, non-coherent management of the information flow (dissemination of false/fake information, correct information not taken into consideration, missing basic information). These factors can severely hamper the general assessment in SAR as demonstrated by a direct experience of the USAR team of the Fire Dep. of Pisa in both national and international interventions. EASeR intends to provide a practical strategy to carry more efficiently the assessment in SAR with a positive cascade effect on the general performance of all subsequent operations.


Fire Department of Pisa, COMVVFPi, (IT)

Comando Provinciale dei Vigili del Fuoco,
Via Matteotti, 1, 56100 Pisa, Italy

Project coordinators

With the support of the Italian Department of Civil Protection

Presentation at the kick off meeting