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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
  • Project

Enhancing disaster management preparedness for the older population in the EU (PrepAGE)

Aims to introduce special requirements for older people into emergency and disaster preparedness and prevention programmes, putting structures and procedures in place to enable improved access to older people in case of disasters. Desk research will involve screening existing emergency and disaster procedures and legal framework and defining the specific needs of older and frail persons.

The project's will run for 24 months and the results will include Policy recommendations in each partner country - good practices included - and Guidelines for emergency and Disaster Management organisations on how to incorporate the needs of older people into preparedness plans.

Project coordinators

  • University of Innsbruck (AT)
  • Bulgarian Red Cross (BG)
  • Croatian Red Cross (HR)
  • Latvian Red Cross (LV)
  • British Red Cross (UK)

Presentation at the Kick off meeting

Final Technical Report and Guidelines

Final report