Area of activity/subject : Heavy rainfall induced emergencies (including floods)
Summary of the project (maximum 12 lines)
Heavy rain and severe storm phenomena (wind gusts, lightning, hail…) are the triggering factors of a number of different natural hazards (flash floods, landslides, debris flows…) that have impacts on people’s life and goods. ERICHA project aims to improve existing operational tools to provide Early Warnings integrating advanced forecasting and hazard assessment products based on the radar composites produced by the EUMETNET project OPERA. This project will integrate the improved developments of projects HAREN and EDHIT as an operational module into the real-time platform of the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS), which provides direct support to the European Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) of the DG ECHO in collaboration with the JRC and the ECMWF.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
Jordi Girona, 1-3
K2M –S104
08034 Barcelona
Contact: crahicrahi [dot] upc [dot] es (crahi[at]crahi[dot]upc[dot]edu)
Project coordinators
1) Finnish Meteorological Institute (FI).
2) Department for Rescue services of the Ministry of Interior (FI).…
- Start date
- 1 Jan 2015
- Project locations
- FinlandSpain
- EU contribution
- €497 661