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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
  • Project

EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region flagship project 14.3 on Macro-regional Risk Scenarios and gaps identification EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region flagship projec

Aiming to contribute to the EUSBSR endorsed by the European Council in October 2009 by implementing the Priority Area 14 ''to reinforce protection from major emergencies at sea and on land'', the Flagship project will develop scenarios including winter storms and floods and identify gaps in order to anticipate potential disasters for a rapid and effective EU response through the community civil protection mechanism.

The project will be based on all-hazard approach and map those risks/hazards/scenarios of macro-regional and/or cross border dimensions through geographic proximity, functional

Interdependencies where joint approaches would bring added value and where assistance capacity is needed, providing best practice which can be used as a model for other EU macro-regions.

Project coordinators

Frederikssund-Halsnaes Brand-& Redningsberedskab (DK)
Estonian Rescue Board(EE)
Finnish Nuclear Safety Agency (STUK-FI)
Hamburg Fire and Rescue Service (DE)
State Fire and Rescue Service of Latvia (LV)
Fire and Rescue Dept. under the MoI (LT)
Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning (DSB)
Main School of Fire Service in Warsaw (PL)
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB-SE)
Swedish Int'l Development Coop Agency (SIDA-SE)

Presentation at the kick off meeting 6/2/12