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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

European Modular Field Hospital (EUMFH)

Area of activity/subject: Emergency Medical Teams

Summary of the project

The project European Modular Field Hospital (EUMFH) aims to explore how the medical capacity of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism can be improved. Different Member States of the European Union combine their expertise and investigate the possibility to build a common deployable Emergency Medical Team (EMT) level 3.

The EMT-working group under the lead of the World Health Organisation developed standards for EMT’s and the variety of services they provide as well as a referral system.

Current developments show that there is a clear lack of active deployable level 3 Emergency Medical Teams i.e. referral hospitals in the field. Therefore, there is a need for a high level medical module that can be deployed for a longer term mission without putting the burden on one single Member State or organisation.

The project has the permanent support of the WHO-EMT working group, Handicap International, and the Greek National Centre of Emergency Care.


Italian Civil Protection Department (ICPD)

Presidency of the Council of Ministers
11, Via Ulpiano
IT-00193 Rome

Project coordinators

Presentation at the kick off meeting.