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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

Joint Force Water Environment Disaster Relief Operations Platform (FWEDROP) PRESIDENZA DEL CONSIGLIO DEL MINISTRI

The FWEDROP project aims to develop a multiagency-multinational platform for best practices for search, rescue and recovery of missing people in water environment. This will contribute towards the existing specialized module expertise and provide a basis for disaster relief operation at sea for future marine disasters such as the Costa Concordia emergency.

The goal of the project is to establish a concept for an operation asset towards a new module for the EU CP Mechanism focused on SAR in a water environment. Over two years, this involves first the study of previous disasters in view of designing the organization, SOPs, and components of a JFWEDRO Module. These would then be tested through planning and carrying out a full scale exercise. Finally, a training program and a proposal for the performance and standard of registration for the new module will be presented to the Commission.

Project coordinators

  • Swedish Civil Contingency Agency (MSB SE)
  • CFOA National Resilience Limited (CNR GB)

Presentation at the Kick off meeting

Final report