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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

Mobile Application for emergency Response and Support (MAppERS)

The project aims at identifying gaps in the information sharing system in terms of territorial knowledge, risk prevention and emergency and deals with human role as ''crowd sourced mappers'' through the development of a smart phone application that allows the sharing of GPS localised, precise information on risk situations from the population to civil protection operators in a contest of geospatial response.

The realisation implies the design and testing of a smartphone application for volunteers and for citizens according to available software engineering environment to be used as a communication device between citizens, volunteers and headquarters during phases of emergency. The smart phone modules will be re-designed according to a methodological and technical feedback gained during pilot study and training curricula for citizens that wish to be involved in the monitoring of the territory in the long run will be defined to promote territorial knowledge and awareness to communicate hazard relevant information.

Project coordinators

  • Institute of International Sociology Gorizia (ISIG IT)
  • Hellenberg International OY (HELLB FI)
  • Estonian Academia of Security Sciences (EASS EE)
  • Frederikssund- Hal SN (FHFRS DK)
  • Helsinki City Rescue Department (HCRD FI)

Presentation at the Kick off meeting

Final report