The Matilda project is focused on the design and implementation of a multinational macro-module for post-earthquake building safety assessment and countermeasures in international emergencies.
The macro-module is based on the experience developed within the DrHouse project, funded by the European Commission under the "Preparatory Action on an EU Rapid Response Capability". Main result of DrHouse project was the design, implementation, training and exercising of the Build-Safe macro-module.
While Build-Safe entirely consists of Italian resources (Civil Protection Department, Eucentre, Fire Department, Italian Regions), Matilda project is intended to provide the multinational dimension to the macro-module
Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Italian Civil Protection Dept.
Via Ulpiano 11
IT-0193 Rome
Project coordinators
- Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for civil protection and disaster relief (ACPDR) (SI)
- National Protection and Rescue Directorate (NPRD) (HR)
- Corpo Nationale dei Vigili del Fuoco (VVF) (IT)
- Fondazione Centro Europeo di Formazione e Ricerca in Ingegneria Sismica (EUCENTRE) (IT)
- Start date
- 1 Jan 2014
- Project locations
- ItalySloveniaCroatia
- EU contribution
- €497 943