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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
  • Project

Raising young people’s awareness on preparedness and self protection – YAPS

The main aims are to strengthen the self-help competencies of young people by offering training to the educational system of the partner countries, developing educational material (worksheets), computer games, and conducting Train-of-Trainer workshops.

Desk research will involve screening existing emergency and disaster procedures, training systems and legal framework and defining the specific needs of younger people.

The project will run for 24 months and the results will include Policy recommendations in each partner country - good practices included - and Guidelines for emergency and Disaster Management organizations on how to incorporate the needs of younger people into preparedness plans.


Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK)

Coordinator's Address
D - 53127 Bonn Provinzialstraße 93

Coordinator's Website:

Project coordinators

Presentation at the kick off meeting