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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
  • Project

Strengthening cross border and inter-sectorial operability (START)

The project aims to improve the preparedness of civil protection professionals and volunteers acting at the Romanian–Hungarian border area through strengthened coordinated action and capacity building and through developing a cross-border informational system that enhances its coordinated reaction capacity.

The objectives are:

- Developing cross-border civil protection cooperation and interoperability by creating a locally coordinated cross-border group of 7 institutions and organizations that will exchange information and develop common intervention procedures in the context of 2 workshops and 3 roundtables, during 11 months.

- Supporting capacity building in emergency preparedness for at least 15 institutions and organizations from Hungary and Romania, in the target area (including local volunteer groups) that will participate at 5 training sessions and 4 small scale exercises during 11 months of the project implementation.

- Developing a cross-border informational system by planning and creating a Local Resource Database and Communication System (LoRDaCS) for dynamic adjustment of response capacity in case of disasters.


Asociaţia Multisalva Satu Mare (MULTISALVA)
Pădurea Noroieni Street no. 65, Satu Mare City,
Satu Mare County,

Project coordinators

  • Felső-Tiszavidéki Búvár és Mentő Közhasznú Egyesület (Upper Tisa Diving and Rescue Public Utility Association) (H)
  • Inspectoratul pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă “Someş” al judeţului Satu Mare (“Someş” Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Satu Mare) (RO)
  • Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Katasztrófavédelmi Igazgatóság (Disaster Management Directorate of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County) (H)
  • Societatea Naţională de Cruce Roşie din România, Filiala Satu Mare (Romanian Red Cross National Society, Satu Mare Subsidiary) (RO)
  • Magyar Vöröskereszt Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Szerevete (Hungarian Red Cross - Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Organization) (H)
  • Asociaţia Organizaţia Caritas a Diecezei Satu Mare (Association Caritas Organization of Satu Mare’s Diocese) (RO)

Presentation at the kick off meeting

Final report