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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
  • Project

TRigger BUffer zones for inundaTion Events Title of the project (TRIBUTE)

Area of activity/subject: Inundation and multi-hazard (flooded waters, sediment, contaminated waters and pollution)

Summary of the project: Managing inundation risk requires prevention measures in close cooperation with Civil Protection Authorities. An evacuation trigger buffer is a pre-established boundary that circumscribes an area in such a way that when floodwaters (incl. waters, sediment, contaminated waters and pollution) coming from any direction cross the buffer, an evacuation is recommended. TRIBUTE software tool that will be delivered as a web service and as a mobile application, will provide the trigger buffers zones for a threatened site taking into consideration the current estimates of downpour hazards from satellites as well as its vulnerability and coping capacity. The service will have pan-European coverage and will be tested extensively in three pilot areas with different characteristics, including cross-border and multi-threat. TRIBUTE has rich training, dissemination and exploitation activities to promote the concept to the stakeholders.



School of Chemical Engineering, Department of System Analysis and Design
Heroon Polytechneiou 9
Athens 15780

Project coordinators

Presentation at the kick off meeting.