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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
  • News article
  • 18 December 2023
  • Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO)
  • 1 min read

Sudan: The EU allocates €800,000 to support response to cholera outbreak

View of piles of luggage in the background people trying to cross the border.
© European Union, 2023 (photographer: Silvya Bolliger)

The EU announced today new funding of €800,000 to Sudan, to contribute to the response to the cholera epidemic that has been claiming lives in the country since September 2023.

The funding comes from the EU’s Emergency Toolbox to respond to sudden onset crises. It adds on to the EU humanitarian aid allocated to Sudan this year, mainly in response to the conflict that broke out in April 2023.  

As of 10 December 2023, there had been almost 7,000 cholera cases, and 200 associated deaths. The cholera epidemic has now spread to 9 states in Sudan, with Gedaref, Al Jazeera and Red Sea state being the most affected ones.

The epidemic comes at a time that Sudan’s health care system is stretched to the limit due to the conflict: about 70% of hospitals in conflict-affected states are estimated to be non-functional and facilities in non-conflict affected states are overwhelmed by the influx of displaced people.

The situation is being further aggravated by climate, as the influence of El Niño is likely to continue until May 2024, bringing wetter than usual weather conditions in lowland areas of the country, already resulting in severe flood episodes in areas currently affected by the outbreak.

The additional humanitarian funding will support our humanitarian partners UNICEF and Save the Children in their work on early detection, case management, community-based surveillance, oral rehydration points and risk communication and community engagement.

The funding will also be used to roll out Cholera treatment centres/units and ensure the procurement of supplies.


Violent armed clashes broke out in Khartoum on 15 April between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). These clashes quickly spread to the periphery with other actors getting involved, including in Darfur and in South Kordofan.

This development comes following a prolonged political gridlock after the 2021 military coup. Prior to the outbreak of violence, the political, security and economic instability, combined with a poor harvest, had already led to the worst humanitarian crisis in a decade.

The ongoing conflict will further exacerbate existing vulnerabilities and create new ones. The EU has stepped up its humanitarian aid to support the most vulnerable.

In 2023, the EU has mobilised over €127.5 million for the humanitarian response in Sudan.