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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

A helping hand for vulnerable families in Gaza

The people of Gaza have struggled under a 16-year-long blockade. It is further aggravated by frequent shocks such as recurrent hostilities and air strikes, resulting in sudden severe humanitarian needs for many and increased vulnerability for all.

With every passing year, the humanitarian situation in the enclave worsens. The blockade has led to a protracted economic crisis, leaving over half of Gaza’s population impoverished and unemployed.

Many families in Gaza rely on help from relatives and friends to buy food. Some people have had to put off medical procedures because they cannot afford them, while others are unable to travel abroad to access the specialised treatment they need.

Two thirds of households in Gaza are facing food insecurity. The mental health of residents has also seriosly deteriorated. Recurrent hostilities and air strikes add to the extreme stress and trauma people are experiencing from years of living in conflict and uncertainty.

With the support of EU humanitarian aid, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is providing targeted assistance to people in Jabalia, in northern Gaza.

A man sitting on a chair, holding his son in his arms.
Nidal, 38, at his home in Jabalia, northern Gaza, holds his baby son. He received cash assistance and psychosocial support which helped him come to terms with his epilepsy. He learnt to proactively manage his disease and become more self-reliant.
© Yousef Hammash. All rights reserved. Licensed to the European Union under conditions.
A woman surrounded by 5 of her children. In the background a window.
Nidal’s wife Sahar, 37, faces immense pressure as the sole provider for their 7 children. With the help of the EU, Sahar and her family receive vital assistance including medical treatment, home repairs, food vouchers, and psychosocial support.
© Yousef Hammash. All rights reserved. Licensed to the European Union under conditions.
A woman holding a book on her lap. On the left her teenage child.
Sahar helps her children with homework. The family had been living with Nidal’s father but were asked multiple times to leave due to lack of space. Thanks to EU-funded cash assistance they were able to pay off their debts and keep a roof over their heads.
© Yousef Hammash. All rights reserved. Licensed to the European Union under conditions.
A group of children.
Nidal's daughter, Ahlam (8) smiles as she participates in a community event organised by NRC partner Ma'an Development Center. Such activities have helped her feel more connected to her community and have improved her mental well-being.
© Yousef Hammash. All rights reserved. Licensed to the European Union under conditions.
View of a man's face in a rear mirror of a car.
Aladdin, 52, a Palestinian refugee born in Syria, fled to Gaza in 2013 after the start of the Syria crisis. He works as a taxi driver and tries to work as many hours as possible. He doesn’t own the car that he drives, so he splits the profits with the tax
© Yousef Hammash. All rights reserved. Licensed to the European Union under conditions.
A father and son in front of their Gaza home.
A father and son in front of their Gaza home. Aladdin, 52, and Bayan, 5, were among 1,000 families who received multi-purpose cash assistance as well as personal safety and mental health services.
© Yousef Hammash. All rights reserved. Licensed to the European Union under conditions.
Photo of Aladdin and Iman.
Aladdin lives in a rented home with his wife Iman and their 4 children. Due to their financial situation, he was unable to pay the rent and they were evicted. They faced warrants for his arrest because of the debts. The family was at risk of exploitation.
© Yousef Hammash. All rights reserved. Licensed to the European Union under conditions.
Aladdin and Iman welcome Fadi
Aladdin and Iman welcome Fadi, the NRC protection case manager. With the EU-funded assistance, they were able to purchase essential items such as eyeglasses and a mattress and repair their washing machine. Aladdin says the aid “changed my life.”
© Yousef Hammash. All rights reserved. Licensed to the European Union under conditions.
Iman prepares a meal in her kitchen
Iman prepares a meal in her kitchen. Thanks to EU humanitarian funding and the Gaza Protection Consortium’s support, her family has been able to buy daily essentials such as food and gas and repair their appliances. It has given them a ‘fresh start’.
© Yousef Hammash. All rights reserved. Licensed to the European Union under conditions.
Bayan, 5, sits by the window of the family home.
Bayan, 5, sits by the window of the family home. With the support of the EU-funded Gaza Protection Consortium, his family has been able to provide him with a safer and more stable environment, despite living in challenging circumstances.
© Yousef Hammash. All rights reserved. Licensed to the European Union under conditions.
A family outside.
Families enjoy a community outing day organised by NRC’s local partner. Psychosocial counselling has helped them to identify their problems and find ways of becoming more resilient.
© Yousef Hammash. All rights reserved. Licensed to the European Union under conditions.
  • Logo of the Norwegian Refugee Council

    Story by Shaina Low, Norwegian Refugee Council.

    Photos: Yousef Hammash

    Publication date: 02/08/2023