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Protection Civile et Operations d'Aide Humanitaire Européennes


Témoignages datant d’avant novembre 2021 peuvent être trouvées dans le site d’archives d’ECHO.  

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Témoignages (325)

Résultats 1 sur 20
‘We are leaving to seek a better life’

For thousands of migrants, Colombia's northern coastal town of Necoclí is the first step of a long journey. The destination: what they hope will be a better life.

  • Video
Photo of Rehaf

Rehaf fled the war in Syria with her 2 daughters in 2015. The young mother found safety in Turkey and managed to build a new life and future for herself and her children.

  • Field blog
We forgot our worries featured image

Refugee children are receiving help to overcome their trauma and, even for a short time, forget their worries.

  • Video