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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

Overview of the past Track I and Track II projects

From 2021 onwards the prevention & preparedness project pages can be found on the following page: UCPM Projects and Exercises | UCP Knowledge Network: Applied knowledge for action

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Overview of the past Track I and Track II projects (390)

Showing results 260 to 280

The four-day training course took place in Athens, Greece, in February 2001. Two scheduled events, the spill response demonstration and the visit to...

Project locations

The Community Workshop “Analysis of Recent Major Accidents”, funded by the EU Commission Directorate-General Environment, provided a forum on which to...

Project locations

Most EU coastal member states have established routine airborne marine pollution surveillance. These programs are based on a dedicated aircraft with a...

Project locations

This report was prepared on behalf of the European Commission who asked TNO-MEP to perform a study with reference to the call for proposals 2001 in...

Project locations

Though efforts have being made to co-ordinate the interaction in the Mediterranean sea, the lack of a study or project to improve common technical...

Project locations

During the last twenty years there have been several spills involving heavy fuel oil in the world including in North-America and Europe. In many of...

Project locations
France, Italy