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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
17 July 2024

A family returns home after 8 years of displacement

In Iraq, families returning or relocating safely from prolonged displacement need support to acquire the mandatory legal documentation, which are fundamental to access services. Between May 2023 and April 2024, thanks to the support of the European Union, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) provided crucial protection and legal services to over 4,200 displaced individuals residing in informal settlements in West Ninewa, Mosul, and Kirkuk.

Mohammad*, 37, sits in the living room of his modest home while his children, nieces, and nephews play around him. Including his brothers' families, his elderly mother, and his own family, there are a total of 15 people under one roof. The house, though in need of repairs and modestly furnished, is a blessing for them after enduring eight years of displacement.

A person sitting on the ground, the hands and legs are visible.
Mohammad sits in the living room of his new home in Al-Ba'aj, after eight years of displacement.
© IOM, 2024 (photographer: Megan Giovannetti)

Mohammad and his family endured the hardships of Daesh’s invasion. Originally from Al-Ba’aj Governorate in West Ninewa. They had to flee their home, seeking safety from bombings and violence. After moving from village to village for some time, they finally settled in a displacement camp, which grew exponentially, making life unbearable for its residents. 

Luckily, their life took a positive turn when they got an opportunity to return to Al-Ba’aj. While waiting for the necessary procedures to be completed for their move, they received much-needed protection and health services from IOM while being in the displacement camp. To ensure a smoother transition, IOM engaged Mohammad and his wife in livelihood workshops on sewing and welding, empowering them to earn an income and learn new skills. 

A women standing in front of a stove while frying eggplant.
Khadija*, Mohammad’s wife, fries eggplant in the kitchen of their current home in Al-Ba’aj, grateful for the freedom, safety and privacy returning brings.
© IOM, 2024 (photographer: Megan Giovannetti)

“I was worried about my return – where and how would we live?” Mohammad questioned. 

To help Mohammad’s family cope with stress and worries, IOM also offered them awareness and information sessions and further psychosocial counseling and legal assistance. 

Upon returning, Mohammad moved his family into a small house in an informal settlement in Al-Ba'aj, where IOM met him and offered necessary services to him and his family to help them get back on their feet. 

He sighed in relief as his family finally received essential civil and identity documents that allowed them to access various services, with IOM’s assistance. They obtained marriage and paternity certificates, and a birth certificate for their daughter Najla* – all of which had been nearly impossible to secure during Daesh’s rule.

Now Mohammad and his family are rebuilding their lives. Thanks to the support from IOM’s protection team, Mohammad received a government resettlement grant. It allowed him to rent a small house with his mother and cover essential expenses such as mattresses, a water tank, children’s clothes, and electricity. IOM follows up monthly to ensure the family's needs are met.

2 girls - seen from the back - playing with toys.
Najla* and her sister play with toys in their new home, after living her entire life in displacement.
© IOM, 2024 (photographer: Megan Giovannetti)

"This support changed my life completely," Mohammad shared, feeling grateful for the help with civil documentation, which he couldn’t afford. His daughters, including Najla, who missed school during displacement, have resumed their education thanks to their new national ID cards.

“I am more comfortable now and no longer worried or afraid,” Mohammad said.

*Names have been changed to protect the anonymity of the individuals involved.

  • Original story by Megan Giovannetti, Strategic Communications Officer, International Organization for Migration (IOM) 

    Publication date: 17/07/2024