Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 triggered the largest refugee crisis in Europe's recent history. More than 6 million Ukrainians were forced to flee their homes and seek refuge abroad to save their lives from the Russian assaults.
From the first days of the war, a stream of Ukrainians poured across the borders into neighbouring Moldova.
More than 1.5 million Ukrainian citizens have entered Moldova, of which around 120,000 are still residing in the country. For a nation already grappling with significant internal challenges and a difficult economic situation, this influx of refugees has been a daunting test. Yet, it has not deterred Moldovans in their desire to help Ukrainians. The small country has shown an incredibly big heart, making room for everyone.
To support the most vulnerable Ukrainian refugees in Moldova and to provide essential assistance to the country itself, the European Union, in collaboration with its international partners, is actively engaged in humanitarian efforts here.
These initiatives include direct cash assistance for both refugees and the Moldovan families hosting them, providing nutritious hot meals, offering medical and psychosocial support to those in need, and the list goes on.