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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations


Field stories from before November 2021 can be found back in the ECHO archive site.

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Stories (321)

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People queuing for registration

With EU humanitarian support, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) provides civil and legal documentation assistance to the internally displaced, refugees, and the most vulnerable host communities in 5 regions of Niger, including Tillabéri.

  • Photo story
Providing North Macedonia with protective equipment against COVID-19

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, North Macedonia was facing a serious lack of personal protective equipment. The EU’s emergency response coordination centre organised assistance from across Europe. In turn, the Czech Republic responded by sending supplies from its own stock.

  • Field blog
Firefighters on the ground in a burning forest.

As disasters potentially affect every person in the EU, we would like to gather views about the EU’s role in civil protection, from both the public at large and the organisations and people involved in the work of the mechanism in a more specialised capacity.

  • Article
Women sitting in a shelter from the shadow. In front a little boy looking into cardboard boxes.

Now in its 9th year, and despite conditions resembling a truce, the conflict in Yemen remains unabated. However, this has not deterred migrants, mostly from Ethiopia, from taking their chances crossing Yemen on their way to Saudi Arabia, even if most of them never make it there.

  • Field blog
View of a place with people sleeping on the floor, one man standing. In the background laundry hanging to dry.

As the old trawler pulled out from a tucked-away stretch of beach in southern Bangladesh, Shukura and nearly 200 other desperate Rohingya refugees from Myanmar braced themselves for the arduous journey ahead.

  • Field blog