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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations


Field stories from before November 2021 can be found back in the ECHO archive site.

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Djibouti, a small East African country on the Red Sea, is dealing with a host of crises, including recurrent droughts, locust swarms, flooding, and epidemics.

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Amid the bustling streets and serene landscapes of Jordan, a new generation of Syrian children is finding their way, far from the homes their families once knew. These children, born in the shadow of conflict, carry dreams and memories that bind them to a homeland they've never seen.

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Photo of Miriam sitting on a chair in front of her house.

People in the northern Philippines knew the Super Typhoon Doksuri was coming. But when it struck in July 2023, its force took many by surprise. It brought more than a month’s worth of rain in 2 days, damaged some 56,000 houses, and affected 3 million people.

  • Field blog
A woman sitting on a park bench seen from the back, in the background ruined buildings.

"Unbreakable" best describes Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second largest city. It has faced almost daily Russian shelling since the beginning of the full-scale war. Aerial bombs, missiles, and drones have destroyed infrastructure, devastated residential buildings, and claimed countless lives.

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Sara and Natalia, holding each other while laughing.

When a criminal group threatened Sara* and her family, she took the difficult decision to leave their home in search of asylum. As many fellow Mexicans, she embarked on a journey full of hardships to find safety and to secure a better future for her children. 

  • Field blog
A man standing close to a wood burner. Several items are hanging at the surrounding walls.

After 13 years of devastating conflict and a powerful earthquake that struck in 2023, 14 million Syrians were forced to abandon their homes and continue struggling to keep afloat amid frequent military operations, the increasing costs of living and a lack of access to basic services.

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Safe childbirth in times of conflict and displacement 04

In Sudan, conflict has resulted in the internal displacement of over 10 million people, the highest displacement in the world. The recent outbreak in April 2023 forced more than 9 million people from their homes, some for the second or third time.

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