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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations


Field stories from before November 2021 can be found back in the ECHO archive site.

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Stories (321)

Showing results 260 to 280
Face of a boy in a street

The international humanitarian law, or ‘rules of war’, is a set of rules that seek to limit the effects of armed conflict.

  • Video
Lyudmilla and Tatiana standing in the garden.

Forced to flee her home in Mykolaiv, Lyudmilla and her 7-year-old daughter Irina found refuge in Moldova. Despite the warm welcome they received, she longs to one day return to Ukraine.

  • Photo story
Slovenia helps Balkan countries face COVID-19 emergency

When Kosovo asked for help to the EU’s emergency response coordination centre, Slovenia was quick to respond. Right after the request was received, the country sent a batch of personal protective material out of its own stock to Kosovo and other Balkan countries in need.

  • Field blog
Cameroon - Supporting Cameroonian refugees fleeing intercommunal killings 01

In December 2021, a new outbreak of violence in the province of Logone-Birni in north-eastern Cameroon caused thousands of people to seek refuge in neighbouring Chad, crossing the Chari River to reach the outskirts of the Chadian capital N'Djamena.

  • Photo story