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EU response to coronavirus outbreak in third countries

The coronavirus is present in more than 200 countries and causing major health, social and economic impact on societies around the globe. Some of these countries, also among the poorest, are already grappling with considerable humanitarian needs...

EU response to coronavirus outbreak in third countries



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What is it?

The coronavirus is present in more than 200 countries and causing major health, social and economic impact on societies around the globe. Some of these countries, also among the poorest, are already grappling with considerable humanitarian needs due to conflict, natural disasters and climate change. More than 100 million people in these countries rely on support from the humanitarian-development community for their survival. The pandemic may have a devastating impact in fragile countries, with weak health systems and vulnerable populations.

Why is this important?

The EU strongly supports actions to contain the further spread of coronavirus, both inside and outside the EU. The EU is particularly concerned about populations in countries with a fragile health system or countries affected by humanitarian crises. The EU has so far provided €276 million to support the international coronavirus response:

  • €113.5 million supports the World Health Organization (WHO), including within the framework of its Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan (SPRP), launched on 5 February 2020. This plan intends to boost public health emergency preparedness and response work in countries with under-resourced health systems. EU support to this plan comes from both humanitarian and development funding, for short-term immediate action as well as longer-term planning:
    • €30 million in EU humanitarian support is for actions increasing emergency response and preparedness to the pandemic.
    • Through its €52 million development funding, the EU is helping to strengthen countries’ health systems. It is providing immediate help in efforts to rapidly detect, diagnose, and prevent the further spread of the virus, while also building sustainable epidemic prevention core capacities.
  • €15 million are to be allocated in Africa, including to the Institut Pasteur de Dakar, in Senegal, to support measures such as rapid diagnosis and epidemiological surveillance.
  • €140 million will address the need for further research on diagnostics, treatment and prevention, including €90 million mobilised through the Innovative Medicines Initiative, a partnership between the EU and the pharmaceutical industry.
  • €7 million allocated to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism for repatriation flights of EU citizens from Wuhan, China.

How are we helping?


Facts & figures

The coronavirus is present in more than 200 countries

The EU has so far provided €276 million to support the international coronavirus response
