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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

City to city local level peer review on Disaster Risk Reduction (UScore2)

Summary of the project

UScore2 will design a practical city-to-city peer review tool for measuring city resilience and enabling resilience action planning.

This project will apply the peer review tool to 3 EU cities with very diverse characteristics to support DRR in those cities as well as refine the tool to enable it to be more broadly applicable. An impact evaluation methodology will be developed and applied to evaluate the peer review tool and gauge its impact on enhancing city resilience. The peer review tool will be designed for use by a wide range of cities both within the EU and globally to assist cities in implementing cross sector disaster management policies in line with European civil protection frameworks and to meet the objectives of the Sendai Framework for DRR.


Salford City Council (Salford)

AGMA Civil Contingencies & Resilience Unit,
c/o Greater Manchester Police
Openshaw Complex
Lawton Street
M11 2NS

Project coordinators

Presentation at the kick off meeting.