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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

The children of Gaza: trapped in the brutality of war

Every war is different; but the terrible impact on children's lives is always the same. In Gaza, the relentless cycle of violence, displacement and insecurity has shattered people’s sense of normality and plunged them into suffering. Nowhere is this clearer than in the lives of children, who are exposed daily to extreme hardship and horrors. Surrounded by fear and devastation, they have been stripped of their fundamental rights including access to medicine, food and clean water.

Thousands of children across Gaza have been killed and thousands more face the grim reality of losing their entire world: family members, homes, schools and more. These children bear the burden of disrupted access to essential services, with the intense military operations depriving them of any form of education and safe healthcare services. As well as putting them in clear present danger, this trauma will undoubtably have long-lasting psychological effects.

This already desperate situation is worsened due to displacement. Families are forced to abandon their homes, meaning children are living in overcrowded and inadequate living conditions where the lack of proper basic infrastructure like sanitation makes them increasingly vulnerable to diseases.

The European Union is working with UNICEF to provide Gazan families with humanitarian cash assistance to purchase the resources these children desperately need. So far, this aid has reached over 233,000 children across more than 500,000 people.

Mohammed sitting on the floor, some clothes and goods laying around.
Mohammed, a 10-year-old boy from Gaza, is living with his family in a small, makeshift tent on the grounds of a shelter in Rafah on the border with Egypt. "I desperately want to return home and play with all my toys," he says.
View of the whole family sitting on the floor of the makeshift tent.
Mohammed’s family was forced to evacuate their home due to the ongoing military operations. For now, a tent is all they have to call home. The entire family sleeps on the bare floor.
Several people outside, in the background are some makeshift tents visible.
Mohammed is also battling cancer, a condition he has endured since he was 3 months old. He is one of over a million children subjected to unimaginable suffering in Gaza and who are currently deprived of their fundamental rights as children.
A man in a red sweater showing a mobile phone screen to the camera.
The EU is funding UNICEF to provide humanitarian cash assistance, as well as children’s winter clothing and educational and hygiene kits. Cash transfers give families their independence back, enabling them prioritise and purchase the items they need most
Outside view of the camp. Some makeshift tents at the side and some people in the background.
"We used the money to get supplies for the children: milk, diapers, medicine for my sick child and flour for making bread," says Eman, Mohammad’s mother.
A family with several young children outside a makeshift tent.
Humanitarian cash assistance has become a lifeline. These cash transfers currently assist a wide range of people in need, including: families with multiple children or with a disabled family member, pregnant and lactating women, and female-run households.
2 children standing inbetween makeshift tents. A washing line with clothes in the background.
“Amid ongoing hostilities, the EU-UNICEF partnership serves as a humanitarian anchor. With vital assistance, we strive to ease the immediate suffering of children affected by conflict, offering relief and essentials for survival," says Lucia Elmi, UNICEF.
Group photo with lots of children and some adults in an open space.
With close to 2.1 million people forcibly displaced and in need of urgent assistance in Gaza, the EU remains committed to supporting humanitarian partners active on the ground.
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    Story and photos by UNICEF.

    Publication date: 11/01/2024