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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
14 May 2024

Not defined by disability: Robi’s journey

Robi at the door step carrying a book.
"I never miss a single day of study at the NRC learning centre," says Robi. "I get up early in the morning, finish the morning prayer, and then start walking to the centre." Here, he is carrying a maths book - one of his favourite subjects.
Robi and 2 friends standing in front of the learning centre
"On my way to the learning centre, my best friends Kamal and Jahidur join me," says Robi with a smile. "From walking to the centre of the mosque to playing games, we do everything together.”
Robi sitting with a teacher going over a book.
“My favourite part of the day is studying at the centre. Students and teachers help me a lot. I sometimes need a magnifying glass to read. Everyone is supportive when I successfully finish a piece of class work.”
Robi sitting together with Kamal and Jahidur in the class room, looking and writing in a workbook.
“Kamal and Jahidur sit with me. We help one another study and understand the topic better. I love learning life skills like repairing, crafting, hygiene, and survival. When I grow up, I want to be a teacher and help my people.”
Robi holding up a pen drawing while smiling.
“I like to draw as well," says Robi, proudly showing his artwork. "The teachers here encourage me and the other children to draw. I drew this today.” When asked to draw something he loved, he drew the NRC learning centre.
Robi holding an arm in the air while reading from his notes.
“I am asked to do Boyan [public speaking on the teachings of Islam] at recess sometimes. I like it,” adds Robi. He is a regular speaker in the mosque and a thinker in his community with an ability to construct and communicate deep arguments.
Robi and his 2 friends seen from the back while walking in a narrow street.
“After finishing the day, we walk together to our homes. Kamal always holds my hand and supports me while walking through the hilly lanes. We discuss what to play during the walk. We like to play football, mol [a Burmese game] and Ludo.”
Robi and a group of children throwing a ball in the air.
“We decided to play football today. After taking a break and finishing the noon prayer, I joined the boys to play football. I think I’m the fastest among them,” says Robi.
Robi and his friends sat at a table doing homework.
“Then after our game, we spend the evening hours studying together. Kamal and Jahidur join me at my house. Sometimes another friend of ours, Kolim, also joins us.”
Robi seated at a table with books from school all over the table top.
“After dinner, I spend a little more time studying before going to bed. I want to be a teacher, so I need to work hard. I take it very seriously,” says Robi. A confident young person, he has big dreams and knows how to achieve them.
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Story and photos by  K. M. Faisal Naeem, Communication Officer, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

Publication date: 14/05/2024