Türkiye’s Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) operates under the Ministry of Interior, in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 4 issued on July 15, 2018.
The Decree defines the purpose and scope of the Presidency as being:
- to take the necessary measures for the effective provision of services concerning disaster and emergency recovery and civil defense at a country level, ensuring preparedness and risk reduction before events occur
- to provide coordination among institutions and agencies in charge of response and recovery operations during and after such events
- to conduct and coordinate humanitarian aid operations at home and abroad; and to formulate and implement policy recommendations related to these issues
According to the institutional structure and duties of AFAD, as set out by the law, it has a horizontal and flexible administrative structure and is result-oriented in terms of the execution of its duties. The institution has no hierarchical structuring under the departments, and can create working groups to which it can assign personnel also from outside the institution, if required.
AFAD is an institution that provides effective coordination and cooperation among universities, public institutions, the private sector and non-governmental organisations.
Considering that disaster management is an issue that concerns all segments of society, a disaster and emergency management advisory board was established by law for the formulation of macro-level policies.
AFAD has begun to prepare the provincial disaster risk reduction plans with the relevant stakeholders and all provincial disaster risk reduction plans were completed except for Istanbul.
Türkiye’s disaster management strategy and action plan and national disaster recovery plan and national disaster risk reduction plan are currently being prepared.
Preparation work based on a transdisciplinary approach, continues for both plans to cover all line institutions and organisations in the national disaster management.
These plans include 5 sections, namely current profile of the city, hazard and risk assessments, analysis of current capacity, disaster risk reduction goals, objectives and actions and monitoring and evaluation.
AFAD has also prepared the National Earthquake Strategy and Action Plan (UDSEP-2023), Türkiye’s first earthquake risk reduction strategy document.
The aim is to meet the need for a road map to achieve the goal of mitigating earthquake-related risks at the national level. Some 13 responsible public agencies were designated to implement the action plan.
Risk assessment
The Disaster Risk Reduction System (ARAS) project was launched for the purpose of using different methods for landslide, rockfall and avalanche risk analysis so that more accurate maps can be produced.
Türkiye has the second-largest earthquake monitoring network in Europe. With 1,143-earthquake observation stations operating, AFAD monitors 24/7 the seismic activity in Türkiye and its surrounding areas.
The National Earthquake Strategy and Action Plan consists of 7 objectives, 29 strategies, and 87 actions under 3 principal themes.
Specifications for Buildings to be Built in Seismic Zones” and the “Earthquake Hazard Map of Türkiye” have been updated.
Since 2012, AFAD has funded research and development projects concerning disaster risk management under the National Earthquake Research Programme (UDAP).
Risk Management Planning
Türkiye’s Disaster Management Strategy Plan, as the framework document of its disaster management system, reveals the vision of the country.
On the National Disaster Risk Reduction Plan (TARAP), principles are defined and a model based on efficient resource use and responsibility sharing is presented for an effective disaster management.
TARAP is a sustainable plan that defines the activities that should be carried out without disasters to minimise disaster risks, together with those responsible and responsibilities within a process.
Risk Communication and Awareness
Within the framework of integrated disaster risk management approach and mission of creating a disaster-resilient society, AFAD initiated the “Disaster Prepared Türkiye Raising Awareness and Training Project” in 2013, nationwide.
The main purpose of this project is to raise awareness about the disaster risks -with a special focus on earthquakes- in the area where citizens live in. This way, they can take measures to reduce the damage that they and their families may experience in their home and workplace, preparing them for before and after the disaster.
In scope of this project, between 2013 and 2020, more than 32 million citizens were reached through disaster and emergency awareness activities, events, and training.
The AFAD Training Center plans activities that increase the level of public awareness. The aim is to:
- correctly inform the public, increase the capacities of systems that support public education and awareness activities
- establish and expand the use of the AFAD volunteer system.
In addition, earthquake information is shared as a message to those who register from the system.
Training and Exercises
Since the beginning of 2021:
- over 37 million citizens received (online/in-person) “disaster awareness training” (1 hour) including topics of prevention and preparedness for earthquake, flood, landslide, fire and avalanche at individual and household level. Other trainings such as “fire awareness”, “CBRN awareness and suspicious packages”, “basics of search and rescue” are also carried out for citizens widely.
- To raise awareness of public authorities and improve local capacities about disaster and emergency management, governors, local administrators, mukhtars/head of villages and village council members attend disaster awareness and disaster management training programmes.
- Mobile simulation trucks of afad visit many cities and towns of Türkiye, and provide opportunity for citizens -especially children- to experience earthquake simulation and learn right behaviors during disaster.
- Public spot videos, animations, posters, and booklets (in Turkish, English and Arabic) concerning different types of disaster risks were prepared and reachable through official websites and social media accounts.
Early warning Systems
Türkiye’s Earthquake Damage and Loss Estimation System (AFAD-RED) is a scenario-based disaster risk management application. The system contributes to the national and local authorities’ capacity for mitigation (preparation of national and local mitigation plans), preparedness (capacity development and needs analysis), response (national and local response plans) and recovery phases of the disaster management cycle.
AFAD-RED is actively used for damage assessment and preparedness activities. The system is regularly updated by adding new modules. It contributes to both post-earthquake preliminary damage assessments and pre-earthquake planning and scenario analysis.
As one of the requirements of the 2019 Turkish Building Earthquake Code, the structural health monitoring system standards for high-rise buildings for real-time monitoring of the structural response of buildings have been set.
Emergency Response
Türkiye’s Disaster Response Plan (TAMP) covers institutions and organisations that take part in effective response to disasters and emergencies of all types and sizes that occur in the country.
This national plan defines roles and responsibilities with an integrated planning approach, and determines the basic elements of response planning.
TAMP is flexible, modular-structured, and adaptable to all types and scales of disasters. It is responsible for the planning and coordination of the public institutions and non-governmental organisations in the event of a local/national level disaster. It aims to minimise the loss of life and property by efficient resource management.
TAMP gives responsibilities to the personnel of all the parties involved (ministries, the public institutions, and non-governmental organisations) in the wake of a local/national level disaster to work under 28 working groups. There are a total of 10 ministries and NGO’s assigned as major associates and over 100 of supporting associates.
Cross-border, European and International Cooperation
International organisations of which AFAD is a member:
- Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization
- Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative for South Eastern Europe (DPPI SEE)
- Economic Cooperation Organization
- European Mediterranean Seismological Center
- Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology
- International Seismology Center
- Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology
- EU Civil Protection Mechanism
- UN Office for the Coordination of HumanitarianAffairs Central Emergency Response Fund
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Donor Support Group
International organisations with which AFAD cooperates - Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
- Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Center
- European Commission
- European Disaster Risk Reduction Forum
- Food and Agriculture Organization
- Regional Civil-Military Coordination in Disaster
- International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
- Japan International Cooperation Agency
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Civil Emergency Planning Committee
- Civil Protection Group
- Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation
- Organization of Islamic Cooperation
- Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
- WB
Facts & figures
General contact point:
Foreign Relations Working Group
disiliskilercgafad [dot] gov [dot] tr (Email)
Contact details to be used in case of emergencies:
Disaster and Emergency Management Center
Tel: +90 312 258 25 25
Fax: +90 312 258 25 31
acildurummerkeziafad [dot] gov [dot] tr (Email)
Contact point for international cooperation projects:
International Project Working Group
Tel: +90 312 258 26 27 | +90 312 258 28 66
uluslararasiprojelercgafad [dot] gov [dot] tr (Email)
More Information
- Presidential Decree No:4
- Disaster Law (No:7269)
- Disaster and Emergency Response Services Regulation
- Disaster and Emergency Management Disaster and Emergency Situations Related Service Standards and Accreditation About Determining the Principles Regulation
- By-law on Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Hazards
Last updated: 24/06/2022