Online databases - European Commission
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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

Online databases

Online databases

As a leading global humanitarian aid donor, the European Commission is committed to making clear which humanitarian emergencies it funds and how much. EU Member States are committed to ensure transparency of their humanitarian aid funding (Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/96).


The European Emergency Disaster Response Information System (EDRIS) is a database that lists annual contributions made by the Member States' Ministries of Foreign Affairs and the European Commission's Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) for the delivery of humanitarian assistance to people affected by natural or man-made disasters worldwide. It also provides information on how much each EU Member State contributes to a disaster response operation and to which area.

EDRIS contains records of humanitarian aid contributions dating back to 1999 and it is free of access for reporting purposes. However, recording national humanitarian aid contributions and data input is restricted to the Member States' Ministries of Foreign Affairs. Member States are responsible for encoding the information.

Information on EU funding is transferred from EDRIS to the global humanitarian Financial Tracking System managed by the UN.

EDRIS also feeds in data into the EU Aid Explorer – an EU-wide database on humanitarian and development aid funding.


INFORM is a global, open-source risk assessment tool for humanitarian crises and disasters. It was developed in response to recommendations by numerous organisations to improve the common evidence basis for risk analysis. INFORM is a collaboration of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Task Team for Preparedness and Resilience and the European Commission.

Picture: © European Union/ECHO/Pierre Prakash