Procurement - European Commission
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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations


In addition to financing decisions linked to humanitarian aid, the European Commission's Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) issues calls for tender for implementing specific activities.


Open calls for tenders are published on eTendering.

If you have an account with TED eTendering, you can activate notifications.

Negotiated procedures under €139 000 are published below.


Ex-ante publicity for a low value (between €1,000 and €15,000) procedure

Remote psychological support for DG ECHO field staff

The Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) is committed to strengthening its duty of care policy for field staff, specifically for the psychological support.

In line with DG ECHO’s psychological assistance for the field staff, we are looking for a tender to provide psychological assistance. The aim is to decrease the risk factors and enhance the protective ones for field staff in order to cope with perceived difficult working environment and/or a crisis situations.

The overall objective of the contract is to provide tailored psychological remote support for DG ECHO staff employed in the field. We are setting up remote psychological support through one overarching organisation/provider. The contractor will arrange all administrative and organisational aspects of the support using a network of available experts (psychologists/counsellors).

The outcomes of the tender are the following:

  • Staff should be able to discuss their problems and mental wellbeing with a qualified counsellor/psychologist when they feel the need.
  • Staff overall resilience and psychological wellbeing should be improved or reinforced.
  • Staff should be better equipped to deal with present and future adversities.

The remote support shall be offered at least 5 days per week during Central European Time (UTC+01:00) office hours (from 09:00 till 18:00) in English and French. 

The economic operators that wish to participate in this procedure have to express their interest to by 3 January 2022 12:00 CET.


Ex-ante publicity for a middle value (between EUR 60 000 and EUR 139 000) procedure

Campaign on climate-related displacement

Call for tenders: ECHO-01-NP-2021-05

In line with the validated 2021 communication strategy, DG ECHO’s communication unit proposes to launch the preparatory work for an awareness campaign to shine a light on the impact of climate change on humanitarian crises worldwide.

The campaign will take a human angle focusing on stories from internally displaced people, migrants and refugees, whose lives have been highly impacted by natural hazards and long-term consequences of climate change and on those who are at risk of becoming internally displaced.

These human stories will serve the purpose to bring the extent of the EU’s role in humanitarian aid operations worldwide to the attention of the broader European public.

The campaign aims at contributing to boosting the EU’s role in humanitarian operations across a diverse range of platforms, channels and audiences and at connecting young Europeans with their counterparts in more vulnerable areas of the world, where the effects of climate change have forced the local populations to migrate or to reorganise their daily lives.

By linking climate change to displacement and presenting the positive impact of EU humanitarian aid on the lives of people in need, the campaign aims at reaching multiple objectives.

These are:

  • To create a direct link/connection between young Europeans and their counterparts in more vulnerable areas of the world where the EU is active in providing humanitarian aid in crises worsened by the effects of climate change.
  • To actively engage the target audience based on the urgency of a response to climate change and a specific call to action.
  • To position the European Union as one of the largest humanitarian aid donor in the world.
  • To raise awareness among (young) EU citizens about the EU effort to enhance disasters preparedness by ensuring climate adaptation in the most vulnerable regions of the world.
  • To contribute in shifting or maintaining a positive attitude of (young) Europeans towards the EU and its role in contributing to a greener and fairer world (Green Deal).

The economic operators that wish to participate in this procedure have to express their interest to by 25 May 2021 12:00 CET.

Indicative date for sending out the invitation to tender: 31st May 2021


Ex-ante publicity for a low-value contract between EUR 15 000 and EUR 60 000

Study on development of the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC)
Call for tenders [ECHO-A1-NP-2021-06]

DG ECHO is looking to carry out an independent study to assess existing and potential gaps in the ERCC as well as to formulate recommendations for future development. The aim of the study is to assist DG ECHO in developing ways to strengthen the ERCC’s support and coordination role as well as to identify and evaluate existing standards that apply to similar structures in Belgium, in the EU and beyond.

The study should identify the applicable standards and requirements for ERCC as a workplace in a 24/7 crisis room / emergency operations centre context, analyse the current status, identify gaps / needs and formulate recommendations. It should provide a comprehensive assessment of standards for night work and work in shifts, ergonomics, infrastructure for crisis rooms including secured facilities for handling classified documents and secured telecommunications / videoconferencing, IT equipment, telecommunications, health and wellbeing of staff at work and safety and security at the workplace.

The recommendations should incorporate the possibility to upgrade and enhance the technical equipment over the whole life cycle of the ERCC. Furthermore, the study should analyse and formulate recommendations also for the optimisation of ERCC duty shift system. Additionally, on the point related to infrastructure, the contractor should analyse ERCC’s current premises and facilities as well as their configuration and fit-for-purpose-ness.

The economic operators that wish to participate in this procedure have to express their interest to by 28 May, 12:00 CET.

Indicative date for sending out the invitation to tender: 31 May 2021.

Call for tenders ECHO-B3-NP-2021-02 - Training of Trainers programme for MODEX

The purpose of this contract is to design, plan and deliver two sessions of a Training of Trainers (ToT) programme for MODEX trainers. The overall aim of the ToT programme is to contribute to the implementation of a consistent and high quality delivery of the coaching/training approach across all iterations of MODEX exercises.

The economic operators that wish to participate in this procedure have to express their interest to by 15th March 2021 12:00 CET.

Indicative date for sending out the invitation to tender: 16th March 2021.


Ex-ante publicity for a middle-value contract.

Development of a creative concept for a photojournalism campaign on the role of the EU in Humanitarian Aid Operations

Call for tenders ECHO-A4-NP-2020-15

The purpose of the contract to develop an original concept for an information campaign to highlight and communicate the role of DG ECHO in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic as a central player in helping millions of people in need worldwide.

The contractor will be responsible to produce the photographic and editorial material that will be at the heart of a new awareness campaign. In addition to this, the contractor will be asked to include a full explanation of how the photojournalism project could be brought to the public and trigger engagement, through online (e.g. social media) and offline actions (e.g. out-of-home). The implementation and dissemination of the campaign will not be ensured by the contractor.

All economic operators wishing to participate in this negotiated procedure please express your interest to by 2 July 2020 12:00 CET. Economic operators who do not express their interest before the deadline and to the address above will not be invited to submit an offer. The latter restriction will not apply to the minimum 5 economic operators directly invited by the Commission.

Indicative date for sending out the invitations: 3 July 2020.

Ex-ante publicity for a low-value contract.
Prestations de services juridiques professionnels pour la Direction générale de la protection civile et des opérations d’aide humanitaire européennes (DG ECHO)
Appel d’offres n° ECHO-E4-NP-2020-10

Le contrat entre le pouvoir adjudicateur et le soumissionnaire est conclu dans le but de mandater le soumissionnaire afin de :

  • Fournir une assistance et des conseils juridiques à la DG ECHO portant sur tous les aspects juridiques et contentieux, d'application des règles et de procédures régissant les relations entre la DG ECHO, agissant en tant qu'employeur, et les experts travaillant pour la DG ECHO sur le terrain dans des pays tiers, ainsi que toutes questions connexes;
  • Procéder à une veille juridique régulière sur toutes les questions s'y rapportant, ainsi que fournir une analyse des évolutions du droit belge (principalement en droit du travail) et de leur impact potentiel pour la DG ECHO.
  • Les opérateurs économiques qui souhaitent participer à cette procédure doivent manifester leur intérêt à l’adresse électronique suivante : au plus tard le lundi 18 mai 2020 à 12:00 HEC.

Date indicative d’envoi de l’appel d’offres: le 21 mai 2020.

Picture: Photo credit: AP

Previous years are available in the archived web page.