Procédures négociées - Commission européenne
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Protection Civile et Operations d'Aide Humanitaire Européennes

Procédures négociées


Les appels d’offres ouverts sont publiés sur eTendering.

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Les procédures négociées d’un montant inférieur à 139 000 EUR sont publiées ci-dessous.


Ex-ante publicity for a middle value (between EUR 60 000 and EUR 139 000) procedure

Campaign on climate-related displacement

Call for tenders: ECHO-01-NP-2021-05

In line with the validated 2021 communication strategy, DG ECHO’s communication unit proposes to launch the preparatory work for an awareness campaign to shine a light on the impact of climate change on humanitarian crises worldwide.

The campaign will take a human angle focusing on stories from internally displaced people, migrants and refugees, whose lives have been highly impacted by natural hazards and long-term consequences of climate change and on those who are at risk of becoming internally displaced.

These human stories will serve the purpose to bring the extent of the EU’s role in humanitarian aid operations worldwide to the attention of the broader European public.

The campaign aims at contributing to boosting the EU’s role in humanitarian operations across a diverse range of platforms, channels and audiences and at connecting young Europeans with their counterparts in more vulnerable areas of the world, where the effects of climate change have forced the local populations to migrate or to reorganise their daily lives.

By linking climate change to displacement and presenting the positive impact of EU humanitarian aid on the lives of people in need, the campaign aims at reaching multiple objectives.

These are:

  • To create a direct link/connection between young Europeans and their counterparts in more vulnerable areas of the world where the EU is active in providing humanitarian aid in crises worsened by the effects of climate change.
  • To actively engage the target audience based on the urgency of a response to climate change and a specific call to action.
  • To position the European Union as one of the largest humanitarian aid donor in the world.
  • To raise awareness among (young) EU citizens about the EU effort to enhance disasters preparedness by ensuring climate adaptation in the most vulnerable regions of the world.
  • To contribute in shifting or maintaining a positive attitude of (young) Europeans towards the EU and its role in contributing to a greener and fairer world (Green Deal).

The economic operators that wish to participate in this procedure have to express their interest to by 25 May 2021 12:00 CET.

Indicative date for sending out the invitation to tender: 31st May 2021

Ex-ante publicity for a low-value contract between EUR 15 000 and EUR 60 000

Study on development of the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC)
Call for tenders

DG ECHO is looking to carry out an independent study to assess existing and potential gaps in the ERCC as well as to formulate recommendations for future development. The aim of the study is to assist DG ECHO in developing ways to strengthen the ERCC’s support and coordination role as well as to identify and evaluate existing standards that apply to similar structures in Belgium, in the EU and beyond.

The study should identify the applicable standards and requirements for ERCC as a workplace in a 24/7 crisis room / emergency operations centre context, analyse the current status, identify gaps / needs and formulate recommendations. It should provide a comprehensive assessment of standards for night work and work in shifts, ergonomics, infrastructure for crisis rooms including secured facilities for handling classified documents and secured telecommunications / videoconferencing, IT equipment, telecommunications, health and wellbeing of staff at work and safety and security at the workplace.

The recommendations should incorporate the possibility to upgrade and enhance the technical equipment over the whole life cycle of the ERCC. Furthermore, the study should analyse and formulate recommendations also for the optimisation of ERCC duty shift system. Additionally, on the point related to infrastructure, the contractor should analyse ERCC’s current premises and facilities as well as their configuration and fit-for-purpose-ness.

The economic operators that wish to participate in this procedure have to express their interest to by 28 May, 12:00 CET.

Indicative date for sending out the invitation to tender: 31 May 2021.

Call for tenders ECHO-B3-NP-2021-02 - Training of Trainers programme for MODEX

The purpose of this contract is to design, plan and deliver two sessions of a Training of Trainers (ToT) programme for MODEX trainers. The overall aim of the ToT programme is to contribute to the implementation of a consistent and high quality delivery of the coaching/training approach across all iterations of MODEX exercises.

The economic operators that wish to participate in this procedure have to express their interest to by 15th March 2021 12:00 CET.

Indicative date for sending out the invitation to tender: 16th March 2021.


Ex-ante publicity for a low-value contract.

Development of a creative concept for a photojournalism campaign on the role of the EU in Humanitarian Aid Operations

Call for tenders ECHO-A4-NP-2020-15

The purpose of the contract to develop an original concept for an information campaign to highlight and communicate the role of DG ECHO in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic as a central player in helping millions of people in need worldwide.

The contractor will be responsible to produce the photographic and editorial material that will be at the heart of a new awareness campaign. In addition to this, the contractor will be asked to include a full explanation of how the photojournalism project could be brought to the public and trigger engagement, through online (e.g. social media) and offline actions (e.g. out-of-home). The implementation and dissemination of the campaign will not be ensured by the contractor.

All economic operators wishing to participate in this negotiated procedure please express your interest to by 2 July 2020 12:00 CET. Economic operators who do not express their interest before the deadline and to the address above will not be invited to submit an offer. The latter restriction will not apply to the minimum 5 economic operators directly invited by the Commission.

Indicative date for sending out the invitations: 3 July 2020.

Ex-ante publicity for a low-value contract.
Prestations de services juridiques professionnels pour la Direction générale de la protection civile et des opérations d’aide humanitaire européennes (DG ECHO)
Appel d’offres n° ECHO-E4-NP-2020-10

Le contrat entre le pouvoir adjudicateur et le soumissionnaire est conclu dans le but de mandater le soumissionnaire afin de :

  • Fournir une assistance et des conseils juridiques à la DG ECHO portant sur tous les aspects juridiques et contentieux, d'application des règles et de procédures régissant les relations entre la DG ECHO, agissant en tant qu'employeur, et les experts travaillant pour la DG ECHO sur le terrain dans des pays tiers, ainsi que toutes questions connexes;
  • Procéder à une veille juridique régulière sur toutes les questions s'y rapportant, ainsi que fournir une analyse des évolutions du droit belge (principalement en droit du travail) et de leur impact potentiel pour la DG ECHO.
  • Les opérateurs économiques qui souhaitent participer à cette procédure doivent manifester leur intérêt à l’adresse électronique suivante : au plus tard le lundi 18 mai 2020 à 12:00 HEC.

Date indicative d’envoi de l’appel d’offres: le 21 mai 2020.


Ex-ante publicity for a low-value contract (between EUR 15 000 and EUR 60 000).

Training of Trainers Programmes for MODEX
Call for tenders ECHO-B3-NP-2019-27

The purpose of this contract is the delivery of two Training of Trainers programmes for Modex in English language. The target audience of this Training of Trainers are the main trainers and trainers currently engaged by the contractors of Modex.

All economic operators wishing to participate in this negotiated procedure please express your interest to by 24 September 2019 12:00 CET. Economic operators who do not express their interest before the deadline and to the address above will not be invited to submit an offer. The latter restriction will not apply to the minimum 3 economic operators directly invited by the Commission.

Indicative date for sending out the invitations: 25 September 2019

EU Aid Volunteers: call for tender training of EU Aid Volunteers
The call for tender for the online and face-to-face training of EU Aid Volunteers has been published. For more information, please consult this website. The deadline for submissions is 09/10/2019 at 16:00 (CET/CEST, Brussels time).

Ex-ante publicity for a middle-value (between EUR 60 000 and EUR 144 000) contract

Professional and public third party liability insurance for European Union Civil Protection (EUCP) teams deployed in the frame of DG ECHO mandate.

Call for tenders ECHO-A1-NP-2019-09

The European Commission wishes to have a worldwide coverage for its EUCP team members for professional and public third party liability. EUCP teams can be deployed in any type of civil protection intervention and humanitarian crisis both inside and outside the European Union.

The economic operators that wish to participate in this procedure have to express their interest to by 11 June 2019 12:00 CET.

Indicative date for sending out the invitation to tender: 12 June 2019.

Ex-ante publicity for a low-value contract between EUR 15 000 and EUR 60 000

Medical aerial evacuation as European emergency response capacity: Analysis and way forward

Call for tenders ECHO-A4-NP-2019-04

The general objective of this tender is to analyse the potential needs for medical aerial evacuation in the context of emergency response mobilised through the EU civil protection mechanism, and present the best way forward.

All economic operators wishing to participate in this negotiated procedure please express your interest to by 20 March 2019 12:00 CET. Economic operators who do not express their interest before the deadline and to the address above will not be invited to submit an offer. The latter restriction will not apply to the minimum 3 economic operators directly invited by the Commission.

Indicative date for sending out the invitations: 21 March 2019

Ex-ante publicity for the low-value contract between EUR 15 000 and EUR 60 000

Invitation to tender - Regional Seminar

ECHO-C3-NP-2019-03 Regional Seminar

DG ECHO - DIRECTORATE C is organising its Annual Africa Regional Seminar that will take place in Brussels the first week of April 2019. The duration of the seminar should be of two full days, on 4 and 5 April.

DG ECHO is currently looking for a venue with the following characteristics:

  • 1 Plenary Room able to seat up to 125 attendees, with chairs, a beamer, a podium able to seat up from three to six people, at least one fixed microphone and two roving microphones and speakers.
  • 4 Break out rooms able to seat up to 30 attendees with the possibility of a flipchart (ideally also a beamer).
  • Wifi must be available throughout the premises. The presence of a technician for the whole duration must be foreseen.
  • Easy to reach and close to well-connected public transportations.
  • The catering services should include 125 attendees for each day ( welcome coffee in the morning, 2 coffee breaks, 1 seated lunch)
  • At the end of the first day, the possibility to organise a drink for 125 attendees.

The maximum price is €40.000 for 2 days.

All economic operators wishing to participate in this negotiated procedure please express your interest to ECHO-AFRICA-REG-SEMINAR2019@EC.EUROPA.EU by 15 February 2019 12:00 CET.

Economic operators who do not express their interest before the deadline and to the address above will not be invited to submit an offer. The latter restriction will not apply to the minimum 3 economic operators directly invited by the Commission.

Indicative date for sending out the invitations: 16 February 2019


Ex-ante publicity for the low-value contract between EUR 15 000 and EUR 60 000

Purchase of technical outdoor equipment for ERCC (Emergency Response Coordination Centre) Liaison Officers.

No ECHO-D4-NP-2018-23

Ex-ante publicity for a negotiated procedure

The Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Operations (DG ECHO) of the European Commission wishes to purchase various outdoor gear and clothing to equip the Liaison Officers for their missions in the field.

All economic operators wishing to participate in this negotiated procedure, please express your interest by e-mail to no later than 9 October 2018, 12:00 CET.

The Commission will only have the obligation to invite to submit an offer the economic operators who have expressed their interest before the deadline and to the address above.

Indicative date for launching the procedure (sending out the invitations): 10 October 2018

Indicative list of items :



Qty (indicative)


Winter jacket + winter down jacket (men , women)



Rain coat



Inflatable Mattress min 5 cm thick



Sleeping bag cold conditions



Sleeping bag warm conditions



Main luggage- duffel



Cabin luggage/ back pack min 44 l



Head lamp



Mosquito net



Pocket for documents



Map protection






Tent lamp


ex-ante publication for a negotiated procedure
Vehicle insurance for the ECHO (European Commissions Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations) Field Network global fleet

No ECHO-D4-NP-2018-20

Ex-ante publicity for a negotiated procedure

The Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Operations (DG ECHO) of the European Commission wishes to insure a global fleet of 4x4 vehicles with additional driver and passenger insurance. The services of the winning tenderer will provide fully comprehensive ("CASCO") cover for an initial period of one year, with possible renewals for a further three years.

All economic operators wishing to participate in this negotiated procedure, please express your interest by e-mail to no later than 17th September 2018, 12:00 CET.

The Commission will only have the obligation to invite to submit an offer the economic operators who have expressed their interest before the deadline and to the address above.

Indicative date for launching the procedure (sending out the invitations): 20th September 2018

Invitation to tender – Negotiated procedure
Assistance, guidance and support for the launch of a call for tenders to select an aerial firefighting service provider for ECHO (European Commissions Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations)

No ECHO-A1-NP-2018-18

Ex-ante publicity for the low-value contract between EUR 15 000 and EUR 60 000

The Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Operations (DG ECHO) of the European Commission would like to procure services of an independent expert (or company, university, etc.) in aerial firefighting field to assist, guide and support the team in charge with the preparation of a call for tenders to select an aerial firefighting service provider for DG ECHO. The services of the winning tenderer will consist of drafting the tender specifications in the first stage, providing advice on questions submitted during the publication period of the call for tenders by potential tenderers in the second stage and, provided that there will be offer/s submitted for the call for tenders, the support to the Evaluation Committee in the third stage.

All economic operators wishing to participate in this negotiated procedure, please express your interest by e-mail to no later than 27 June 2018, 12:00 CET.

Economic operators who do not express their interest before the deadline and to the address above will not be invited to submit an offer. The latter restriction will not apply to the economic operators directly invited by the Commission.

Indicative date for launching the procedure (sending out the invitations): 2 July 2018

Invitation to tender – Negotiated procedure
Assistance, guidance and support for the launch of international open call for tender to select a pension provider for the European Commissions' Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations' International Humanitarian Experts

No ECHO-D4-NP-2018-07

Ex-ante publicity for the low-value contract between EUR 15 000 and EUR 60 000

The Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Operations (DG ECHO) of the European Commission would like to procure services of an independent expert (or company, university, etc.) in the pension and insurance field to assist, guide and support the working group in charge with the preparation of an international open call for tenders on pension insurance for DG ECHO humanitarian experts. The services of the winning tenderer will consist of drafting the tender specifications in the first stage, providing advice on questions submitted during the publication period of the international open call for tenders by potential tenderers in the second stage and, provided that there will be offer/s submitted for the international call for tenders, the support to the Evaluation Committee in the third stage.

All economic operators wishing to participate in this negotiated procedure, please express your interest by e-mail to no later than 30 April 2018, 12:00 CET.

Economic operators who do not express their interest before the deadline and to the address above will not be invited to submit an offer. The latter restriction will not apply to the economic operators directly invited by the Commission.

Indicative date for launching the procedure (sending out the invitations): 02 May 2018

Invitation to tender - Negotiated procedure
Production of a short animated film about sexual assault and other forms of gender-based violence in emergency situations

No ECHO-D2-NP-2018-11

Ex-ante publicity for a low-value contract between EUR 15 000 AND EUR 60 0000

The Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) of the European Commission would like to procure the production of a short animated film about sexual assault and other forms of gender-based violence in emergency situations. The winning tenderer will produce an animated short film (120 seconds) in two language versions (English and French) that is suitable for dissemination on social media.

All economic operators wishing to participate in this negotiated procedure, please express your interest by e-mail to
no later than 8 April 2018, 12:00 CET.

Economic operators who do not express their interest before the deadline and to the address above will not be invited to submit an offer. The latter restriction will not apply to the economic operators directly invited by the Commission.

Indicative date for launching the procedure (sending out the invitations): 9 April 2018

Invitation to tender - Negotiated procedure
External Review of Aviation Safety and Quality Management system (SQMS).

No ECHO-A1-NP-2018-10

Ex-ante publicity for the middle-value contract between EUR 60,000 and EUR 135,000

The Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) of the European Commission is implementing humanitarian air transport services in support of its field offices and implementing partners. The project, called ECHO Flight, is externalized to an air service provider. DG ECHO directly charters 6 aircrafts to support the movements of its own personnel and of its implementing partners. In year 2017, ECHO flight operated in 5 different high risk countries, flying a total of 4,800 hours and having transported more than 26,000 passengers and almost 200 metric tonnes of cargo.

The European Commission would like to procure the evaluation of its Aviation Safety and Quality Management system (SQMS) as applicable to its ECHO flight services and its commercial aviation risks evaluation procedures. The evaluation will focus on the assessment of the European Commission’s current Aviation Safety and Quality Management setup, and its aviation risk management practices.

All economic operators wishing to participate in this negotiated procedure, please express your interest
by e-mail to
no later than 13 April 2018, 12:00 CET.

Economic operators who do not express their interest before the deadline and to the address above will not be invited to submit an offer. The latter restriction will not apply to the economic operators directly invited by the Commission.

Indicative date for launching the procedure (sending out the invitations): 16 April 2018

Invitation to tender - Supply of textile visibility material for field missions

No ECHO-D2-NP-2018-06

Invitation to tender
Tender specifications

Q&A document

Invitation to tender - Regional Seminar

No ECHO-B3-NP-2018-09

Tender document


Invitation to Tender – Negotiated Procedure

No ECHO/A2/NP/2017/12

DG ECHO will launch a Negotiated Procedure for Supply of Partners' Helpdesk support services such as:

  • maintaining and updating the DG ECHO partners' website,
  • giving access to e-learning modules addressed to DG ECHO partners and staff
  • providing assistance to DG ECHO partners' in form of a helpdesk service.

The maximum budget allocated to the contract is EUR 60 000 for a period of 6 months.

Any economic operator interested in this tender can send an e-mail no later than 12:00 CET on 5 January 2018 to

Invitation to tender: Production of textile visibility material for field missions

No. ECHO/INF/BUD/2017/00032

Deadline for receipt of offers: 20/12/2017

Tender documents



Services related to offering capacity to plan, conduct and evaluate training courses in joint cooperation with OCHA, WHO, WFP and IOM (4 Lots)

No ECHO/A2/SER/2016/13

Please refer to the eTendering website to obtain the tender specifications

Contract Award notice


Invitation to negotiate Additional services to Framework contract n° ECHO/C4/FRA/2014/04 Lot 1 – Provision of 'Infrastructure as a Service – IAAS' Services for ECHO

No ECHO/C4/SER/2015/19

Contract Award notice

Invitation to negotiate: Design, plan and conduct an evaluation for the Union Civil Protection Modules Exercises, Technical Assistance and Support Teams and European Union civil protection Teams

No ECHO/B1/SER/2015/04

Deadline for receipt of offers: 15/06/2015

Contract notice : 2015/S 095-171728 of 19/05/2015

Tender documents (EN)

Clarifications (EN)

Contract Award notice


Invitation à négocier : Concept, planification et conduite d’une évaluation pour les modules d’exercices de protection civile de l’Union, l’assistance technique et les équipes de soutien, et les équipes de protection civile de l’Union européenne

N° ECHO/B1/SER/2014/09

Date limite pour la réception des offres : 9/02/2015

Avis de contrat : 2014/S 246-433088 du 20/12/2014

Documents relatifs à l’appel d’offre (EN)

Clarifications n°1

Cancellation notice : 2015/S 090-160901 of 09/05/2015

Accord-cadre entre les États-Unis et l’UE concernant l’apport d’une aide aux patients souffrant d’Ébola, eu égard de leur évaluation médicale

Avis d’attribution de contrat 2014/S 210-371099 du 31 octobre 2014.

Rectificatif de l’avis d’attribution 2014/S 222-391565 du 18 novembre 2014

Invitation à négocier : Dispositions légales s’appliquant au déploiement et au placement en formation des Volontaires de l’aide de l’UE

N° ECHO/A3/SER/2014/07

Date limite pour la réception des offres : 8/12/2014

Documents relatifs à l’appel d’offre (EN)

Invitation à négocier : Calcul des paiements de subsistence pour l’initiative des Volontaires de l’aide l’UE

N° ECHO/A3/SER/2014/08

Date limite pour la réception des offres : 8/12/2014

Documents relatifs à l’appel d’offre (EN)

Crèdit photo: AP