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Protection Civile et Operations d'Aide Humanitaire Européennes

Dernières nouvelles

Les actualités antérieures à novembre 2021 sont disponibles sur le site d’archives d’ECHO.

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Dernières nouvelles (450)

Résultats 1 sur 10
Close up of stapled boxes. A EU flag with the text 'resceu' on the side of them.
  • News article

The EU has immediately mobilised 13 power generators from the Commission's own strategic reserve, rescEU, hosted in Poland. 4 power generators offered by Denmark via the Mechanism will also soon reach Ireland and help provide electricity on the ground.

  • 1 min de lecture
  • News article

Following the collapse of the former government in Damascus, the EU is working at all levels to boost humanitarian aid delivery, including through launching Humanitarian Air Bridge flights.

  • 2 min de lecture