Funding for humanitarian aid - European Commission
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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

Funding for humanitarian aid

Funding for humanitarian aid
© The Johanniter/Paul Hahn Juli

The initial EU budget of the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), as programmed in the EU's Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027, amounts to approximately €1.65 billion per year (a total of €11.57 billion, in 2021 prices, was adopted for the entire 7 years of the MFF).

Although the 7-year ceiling is set by the MFF profile, the precise figure is decided each year by the EU Budget Authority (European Parliament and Council), following the annual budget procedure. In addition to the initial budget, an EU Solidarity and Emergency Aid Reserve can be called upon to respond to unforeseen events and major crises, financing notably humanitarian, civilian crisis management and protection operations in non-EU countries. Moreover, unused amounts from other EU funding programmes may be transferred to humanitarian aid during the year. 

The European Commission works with about 200 partner organisations to provide humanitarian assistance throughout the world. These include humanitarian non-governmental organisations (NGOs), international organisations (such as United Nations agencies) and Member States' specialised agencies.

Further information is available about ECHO's past humanitarian operation agreements and service contracts; as well as on its consultations with partners on funding decisions.