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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
  • Project

Environmental Assessment survey following the accident of the Baltic Carrier

On 29 March 2001, the oil tanker “Baltic Carrier” collided with the bulk carrier “Tern” in the western Baltic Sea, near the naval border between Germany and Denmark. The collision between the two vessels was caused by a mechanical defect in the steering mechanism of the “Baltic Carrier”. Because of the collision 2400 tons of heavy fuel oil leaked from the cargo tanks into the open sea. The spilled oil stranded along the shorelines of the sound Grψnsund, on the islands of Farψ, Bogψ, Mψn and the North-eastern Falster. So far, this oil pollution is the worst one in Danish coastal waters. The aim of this monitoring programme has been to investigate and assess the environmental consequences of the oil spill.

Total Budget: €196 645


Storstrom County, Aquatic Environmental Division (Denmark)

Task Force report

Summary report