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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
  • Project

Improving preparedness to face HNS pollution of the marine system (HNS-MS)

The HNS-MS project aims at developing a decision-support tool that will help coastguard operators to better evaluate the consequence of HNS pollutions occurring in the Bonn Agreement (BA) area and in the Bay of Biscay.

The developed tool will have a similar operational level as OSERIT –the Belgian oil spill drift model- and will integrate the following features:

  1. A user-friendly data base containing the physicochemical parameters needed to compute the behaviour in the marine environment of the top 100 HNS substances transported in the BA area.
  2. A database of environmental and socioeconomic HNS-sensitive features
  3. A 3-dimensional HNS spill drift and fate model able to simulate the HNS behaviour in the marine environment (including floaters, sinkers, evaporators and dissolvers)
  4. A user-friendly web-based interface allowing Coastguard stations to launch a HNS drift simulation and visualize post-processed results in support of an incident evaluation and decision-making process.


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS)

Gulledelle 100

B-1200 Brussels


Project coordinators

  • Cedre (FR)
  • Armines (FR)
  • Alyotech (FR)
  • FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment (BE)

Project presentation at kick off meeting

Final report