FLOOD CBA#2 project is based on the capitalization of deliverables and know-how gained from FLOOD CBA project. FLOOD CBA#2 aims at integrating Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) into the decision making process for selecting the appropriate and most efficient flood protection standards in flood prone areas. Flood protection standards is a key factor of flood management plans since they specify the protection offered to a certain area from flooding. FLOOD CBA#2 will establish an EU transnational cooperation that will develop a state of the art guidance as well as necessary data sources and support structures for the appraisal of flood management standards and tracking of the most resilient investments. CBA will be used as a tool to demonstrate to project’s stakeholders how to identify those flood protection standards which represent the most economically efficient solutions.
SIGMA Consultants Ltd (SIGMA)
Coordinator's Address
2, Patriarchou Ioakeim str.,
54622, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Tel. 00302310242801
infosigmaconsultants [dot] gr (info[at]sigmaconsultants[dot]gr)
Coordinator's Website: www.sigmaconsultants.gr
Project coordinators
- Universidad Pablo de Olavide – Spain - www.upo.es
- Middlesex University Higher Education Corporation, Flood Hazard Research Centre, England - www.mdx.ac.uk
- Research Centre for Geography and Regional Planning, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Portugal - www.fcsh.unl.pt
- Region of East Macedonia and Thrace – Greece - http://cp.pamth.gov.gr
- Agencia de Media Ambiente y Agua de Andalucia - Spain - www.juntadeandalucia.es
- Municipality of Amandora – Portugal - www.cm-amandora.pt
- Start date
- 1 Jan 2015
- EU contribution
- €596 250