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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
  • Project

Resilient European Communities Against Local Landslides (RECALL)

Geological events are considered the most likely cause of disaster in Europe. A lot of important steps have been done in order to manage these problems thanks to the cooperation at EU level.

Within the panorama of actions at European and national level so far, RECALL aims to take a step forward in risk prevention, moving to cost-benefit examination and efficient financial resources management and allocation, which is now of great importance, because of the increasing scarcity of financial resources available at local level.

The project's main objectives are: developing an efficient and effective methodology for risk analysis, territorial monitoring, data collection, costs analysis for prevention measures and best budget allocation at local level within public territorial entities.


Provincia di Vicenza (PROV VI)

Contrà Santi Apostoli, 18

IT-36100 Vicenza


Project coordinators

Presentation of the project at the kick off meeting