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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
  • Project

Risk Management Capability Based on Gaps Identification in the BSR (From Gaps to Caps)

Risk Management Capability Based on Gaps Identification in the BSR (From Gaps to Caps)

The project aims to facilitate future national assessments of risk management capability in accordance with the EU Decision on the Union Civil Protection Mechanism among the participating states.

The project endeavours to invoke a broader perspective in the field of risk management capability assessment and will analyse the conclusions made after comparing evaluations of exercises and studies of real-life experiences which will serve as basis for developing methodology for future assessments of capability among the Baltic Sea States with a special focus on cross-border and regional dimensions.


Fire and Rescue Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania (FRD)

Svitrigailos str. 18,

LT-03223, Vilnius


Project coordinators

Council of the Baltic Sea States Secretariat (SE)

Frederikssund-Halsnæs Fire and Rescue Service (DK)

Estonian Rescue Board (EE)

Ministry of the Interior of Finland (FI)

Hamburg Fire and Rescue Service (DE)

Haskoli Islands (University of Iceland) (IS)

State Fire and Rescue Service of Latvia (LV)

The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning (DSB) (NO)

Szkoła Głowna Stużby Pożarnicnej (The Main Scholl of Fire Service) (PL)

Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (SE)

Presentation at the kick off meeting

Final report