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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
  • Project

SeIsmic monitoring and vulneraBitY framework for civiL protection (SIBYL)

SIBYL’s aim is to develop an operational framework for Civil Protection (CP) authorities to rapidly and cost-effectively assess the seismic vulnerability of the built environment. The framework will provide information to advise decision makers as to the most appropriate preventative actions. It will cover cases where there is a need for short-notice vulnerability assessment in a pre-event situation, and the monitoring of the built environment’s dynamic vulnerability during a seismic sequence. The framework will be flexible enough to be employed over multiple spatial scales, and its modular structure will ease its applicability to other natural hazard types. Training of CP personal in the developed methods will see the framework integrated into their operational protocols.


German Research Center for Gersciences (GFZ)


D-14473 Potsdam


Project coordinators

  • AMRA S.c.a.r.l. (IT)
  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GR)
  • Technical University of Berlin (DE)

Presentation at the kick off meeting

Final report