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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

Overview of the past Track I and Track II projects

From 2021 onwards the prevention & preparedness project pages can be found on the following page: UCPM Projects and Exercises | UCP Knowledge Network: Applied knowledge for action

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Overview of the past Track I and Track II projects (390)

Showing results 240 to 260

1st phase - 90 exchanges of expert on an average 8-day duration.2nd phase - 212 exchanges of experts for an average duration of 8 days.Project led by...

Project locations

Major project & 2 workshops for the mapping of the national system structures and creation of contact network of experts and technicians.Project...

Project locations

Major project to establish best practice for the coordination of the information to the public in case of cross border or international emergencies...

Project locations

Workshop to set up a complete training package of the "modus operandi" of the European civil protection Mechanism focusing on the training of the...

Project locations

To raise awareness among European citizens to participate in civil protection volunteer organisations and to promote volunteer work.Final ReportInfo...

Project locations
United Kingdom

Provide an internet-based platform for an effective cooperation, coordinating and networking.Design, test and evaluate a e-learning module for the...

Project locations

To ensure the basis of cross border risk assessment and management with the action of giving possibility for cooperation and networking of experts on...

Project locations

To reinforce the EU Response capacities for civil protection during a major disaster inside or outside EU - A module to be used as basis for the...

Project locations