Summary report of the response to the Open Public Consultation
The European Commission is the second largest international donor of humanitarian aid. During the period 2012-2016, the European Commission Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) had a total budget of EUR 7.2 billion for humanitarian aid (including funds allocated to humanitarian aid from the European Development Fund). During the five financial years covered by this evaluation, 3,730 contracts were signed with 169 different Framework Partners active in all humanitarian aid sectors. By way of example of the achievements attained in one year, in 2015 approximately 134 million people who were affected by natural or man-made disasters or protracted crises received help. Humanitarian aid was provided to the most vulnerable people across more than 80 countries.
In addition to funding humanitarian aid, DG ECHO also led several global initiatives and took part in international platforms on humanitarian aid, the most recent one being the World Humanitarian Summit, which paved the way to the Grand Bargain initiative. DG ECHO also took part in cross-policy initiatives with other EU services and institutions, such as the recent Communication of forced displacement and development. As part of its work DG ECHO also took its own policy initiatives in a variety of sectors notably through the publication of sector-specific and thematic guidance.
Reasons for this Open Public Consultation
DG ECHO is currently undertaking an evaluation of its humanitarian aid activities during the period 2012-2016. The purpose of this evaluation is to provide an independent assessment of the relevance, coherence, EU added value, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of DG ECHO's humanitarian aid activities. The outcomes of this evaluation may also inform the future orientations of DG ECHO’s approach to humanitarian aid.
The evaluation is based on evidence collected from a variety of sources such as desk research, online surveys, interviews with key stakeholders, fieldwork in selected countries and this Open Public Consultation (OPC).
The objective of the OPC is to give EU citizens and all concerned stakeholders an opportunity to express their views on the performance of DG ECHO during the period 2012-2016.
The questions are in English, French, German or Spanish, but you can answer them in any other official EU language if you so wish. You can also upload a document (e.g. position paper) in any official EU language at the end of the questionnaire.
Period of Consultation
16/08/2017 – 21/11/2017
The consultation is now closed.
Consultation Survey
English Français Deutsch Español
©EU/ECHO/Peter Biro.