Inclusive Disaster Resilience Index (INDRIX) - European Commission Skip to main content
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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

INDRIX combines the expertise of NGOs in civil protection and in social services. Together with public civil protection authorities and research partners previous project results will be collected, clustered, mapped and evaluated and combined with knowledge from other similar stakeholders, most importantly from the target group.

In the project process a social resilience index (SRI) will be developed to allow stakeholder self-assessment. The index will also support the identification of potential for improvement for a more inclusive disaster relief process chain. As an innovative aspect, technological aides used by the target group are defined as an indicator for inclusion and in consequence for social resilience.


Coordinator's Address
Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Via O. Raimondo 18
00173 Roma RM

Coordinator's Website:

Project coordinators

Presentation at the kick off meeting