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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
  • News article
  • 15 March 2024
  • Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO)
  • 1 min read

EU, France and Germany announce International Humanitarian Conference to support Sudan

© European Union, 2023 (photographer: Silvya Bolliger)

Today, Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič will deliver opening remarks at a Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) held in Brussels in preparation of the ‘International Humanitarian Conference for Sudan and its Neighbours', scheduled to take place in Paris on 15 April 2024, marking one year since the outbreak of the conflict that has generated the largest displacement crisis worldwide.

The SOM brings together EU Member States, key humanitarian donors, Sudan's neighbours, as well as the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross  and international non-governmental organisations 11 months since the war in Sudan broke out.

The SOM is an opportunity for partners to provide an overview of the devastating humanitarian situation in Sudan and neighbouring countries and the response so far, as well as reiterate urgent calls for the respect of International Humanitarian Law.

It is also a platform to discuss key asks to the parties to the conflict and donor community, as well as mobilise more funding in view of the upcoming International Humanitarian Conference on Sudan, co-organised by the European Commission, France and Germany.

For 2024, the EU has mobilised an initial amount of €72 million for the humanitarian response in Sudan. In the framework of the European Humanitarian Response Capacity (EHRC), the EU has completed two Humanitarian Air Bridge operations to Chad and Sudan since the beginning of the crisis.