7th European Civil Protection Forum - European Commission
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7th European Civil Protection Forum

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Towards faster, greener & smarter emergency management

Over the last 15 years, the European Civil Protection Forum has become an important European gathering of practitioners and decision-makers in the field of civil protection.

The Forum welcomes actors involved in the implementation and shaping of the European Civil Protection Policy. This includes representatives from the civil protection and disaster management communities such as governments, local, national and regional civil protection authorities, first responders, EU institutions, the scientific community and the private sector as well as other relevant stakeholders wishing to provide their input to this discussion.

The 7th edition of the Forum, organised by the European Commission, took place on 28 and 29 June 2022 in Brussels. It was the first edition after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It was therefore the ideal platform for a joint and timely reflection on the current and future role of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, whose success are recognised worldwide.

This year's event was marked by the first award of medals for a long-standing contribution to the European Civil Protection Mechanism.

Under the general theme "Towards faster, greener and smarter emergency management", the Forum addressed 4 policy areas:

STRENGHTEN CLIMATE RESILIENCE - Preparing for extreme weather events
PROTECT OUR CITIZENS - Adapting to new risks
EUROPE IN THE WORLD - Reaching beyond geographical boundaries

… elaborated in various formats:

  • 5 Plenaries
  • 12 Workshops
  • 2 Thinking Labs
  • 1 Exhibition


More information

Further background information on the agenda, the plenaries, workshops, speakers and the exhibition can be found in the Forum Booklet.

Previous editions