EU Civil Protection Knowledge Network - European Commission
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European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
Knowledge Network
© European Union (photographer: Pavel Koubek)
EU Civil Protection Knowledge Network

What is it?

The EU’s Civil Protection Knowledge Network aims to strengthen the EU Civil Protection Mechanism in the areas of prevention, preparedness, and response to disasters.

Why is this important?

The Knowledge Network is working to increase cooperation, coordination, skills and expertise, strengthening the EU’s ability and capacity to deal with disasters.

It acts as a:

  • Knowledge broker: sharing knowledge among different experts, offering them a space to learn, work, and grow together
  • Partnership facilitator: connecting local and international stakeholders, governmental and non-governmental organisations, political, scientific, and technical experts
  • Innovation catalyst: stimulating research and facilitating the growth of new technologies and processes in civil protection and disaster management.

How are we helping?

The Knowledge Network focuses on well-established and known civil protection activities, boosting them and making them even more inclusive.

Later, it will introduce new initiatives to further support the EU Civil Protection Mechanism and its members and participating states.

The activities of the Knowledge Network are structured along 2 pillars: capacity development and science.

The activities falling under these 2 pillars are supplemented by transversals and network-wide activities that ensure coherence and synergies. 

Knowledge Network activities:

  • Training programme: for civil protection experts working together on prevention, preparedness, and response activities of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.
  • Civil protection exercises: aimed at improving preparedness and enhancing collaboration among European civil protection experts and practitioners.
  • Exchange of experts programme: an exchange programme where civil protection experts spend a period in another member or participating state to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. The aim is to share experiences and gain in-depth technical skills.
  • Lessons learnt programme: a broad lesson-learning programme, including the development of good practices. The purpose is to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of practitioners inside the Mechanism.
  • Scientific advice and innovation: a connection with scientific networks to provide the EU Civil Protection Mechanism with specific expertise and stimulate research and innovation.
  • Thematic workshops & conferences: learning and networking opportunities designed around specific existing or emerging needs and risks management. These initiatives help experts gain cutting-edge knowledge on specific topics.
  • Community engagement: regular dialogue on civil protection and disaster management between the members of the Knowledge Network community, to create a community-oriented and active network.
  • Partnership facilitation opportunities: funding of initiatives to bring the civil protection and disaster management communities closer together and foster their collaboration.

Last updated: 28/04/2022
Picture: © European Union (photo by Pavel Koubek)

Facts & figures

The Knowledge Network contributes to the prevention, preparedness and response to disasters in 35 member and participating states of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

It creates a space for practitioners, policy makers and researchers to connect and share knowledge and expertise.

The Knowledge Network helps the Civil Protection and Disaster Risk Management community grow and thrive.

  • 25 AUGUST 2022
EU Civil Protection Knowledge Network