At national level, the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations – CNSSU (inter-ministerial body), is responsible for emergency management. The CNSSU is headed by the Minister of Internal Affairs and is composed of ministers and directors of central public administration.
At strategic level, the Department for Emergency Situation (DSU) has coordinating powers for prevention and management of emergencies, ensuring and coordinating the human, material, financial and other resources necessary to cope with emergencies, including qualified first aid and emergency medical assistance within emergency units and emergency compartments.
In December 2004, the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU) was created by merging the Military Fire-fighters Corps and the Civil Protection Command, under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. IGSU is managed by a General Inspector. As integrator of the National Emergency Management System, a concept created also in 2004, IGSU coordinates all institutions involved in the process of emergency management and also works as national point of contact for all relevant international governmental and non-governmental organisations.
According to national legislation, all institutions have the obligation to draw up plans to provide the basis for emergency management, on their field of interest. The process is coordinated by the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations (CNSSU). Prevention activities are coordinated at national level by the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU) through its specialised structure called the Prevention Inspection. Prevention activities are undertaken in cooperation with experts from the ministries/agencies, depending on the types of risk.
Risk assessment
There are a number of hazards acknowledged in Romanian legislation and considered, on historical basis, as being likely to occur on Romanian territory. Ten types of hazards were selected from this list as subject of assessment, based upon scientific evaluations of historical data regarding the impact of each risk, as well as specific assessments developed at the level of relevant institutions.
The main risks in Romania are: flooding, drought, forest fires, landslides, earthquakes, nuclear and radiological accidents, chemical accidents, the risks of major accidents involving collapses of buildings, installations and dangerous substances, epidemics, animal epidemics and zoonosis.
Risk management planning
The constituents of the National Emergency Management System are identified based on the provisions of G.D. no. 557/3 August 2016 – referring to risks management. According with this regulation, there are several types of activities falling under 5 categories: prevention, preparedness, response, post-event assessment, restoration.
These activities cover the process of risk management and are developed under the responsibilities of various institutions from central and local public administrations. The General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU) is the authorised body that develops regulations in this domain and responsible for oversight of public and private institutions as well as economic operators (private companies) which need to have contingency plans for the identified risks.
Risk communication and awareness raising
In order to disseminate preventive messages, the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU) provides information and participates in live actions within the “RomaniaSigura” pages created on social networks (Facebook and Instagram). Among the support materials used in this campaign, video spots have been broadcasted nationally since November 2018.
Together with the county emergency inspectorates, prevention activity is present on radio and TV programmes, also through articles in print media. Moreover, printed materials, such as brochures and flyers, related to preventive information are disseminated within local communities.
Training and exercises
The General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU) responsibilities for exercises/trainings are divided between 2 directorates: Directorate for Exercises Planning and Monitoring Emergency Situations, and Directorate for Preparedness for Intervention.
Based on the types of risks, IGSU and subordinated units regularly carry out exercises and drills, which follow specific learning objectives. Exercises differ on type and level of difficulty, being table top exercises, command post or conducted in the field. Training activities are carried out in a modular system (theoretical and practical modules), particularly for specialised intervention teams. There are training centres for specific intervention skills such as: fire tactics, extrication and resuscitation, search and rescue in hostile environment, urban search and rescue (Special Unit for Intervention in Emergency Situations) and divers.
Early warning systems
In Romania, early warning systems consists of detection stations with analytics software, alarm stations, email, fax and phone to alert local authorities and cell broadcast messages systems (the emergency warning system “RO-ALERT”), television, radio, and alarm sirens.
For example, in case of earthquakes, within the emergency operation centre there is a software application for monitoring and sending rapid notifications in case of strong earthquakes. The population receives post-earthquake information messages on the recommended measures (cell broadcast messages via RO-ALERT and voice messages via electronic sirens).
Emergency Response
At county level, emergency response is ensured by professionals from the Inspectorates for Emergency Situations Bucharest and 40 county inspectorates under the command of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations. They also provide – at county level – guidance and control of prevention measures and management of emergencies.
According to the type and complexity of emergencies, the County Inspectorates cooperate with all institutions with responsibilities in emergency response (defence, public order and national safety, public administration) in order to ensure an efficient response.
112 is the single number for emergency calls available free of charge, which can be called from all fixed or mobile networks. Citizens in emergency situations can call 112, to request assistance from services (ambulance, Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication, police, fire brigades, gendarmes).
Cross-border, European and international cooperation
Bilateral agreements concluded at governmental level are in place or in negotiation with neighbouring and other countries in the field of prevention, preparedness and response to disasters. Romania actively participates at international level in the exercises, projects and actions under the Union Civil Protection Mechanism and in other bodies or regional initiatives that Romania is part of (DPPI SEE, BSEC and NATO).
At national level, Host Nation Support (HNS) as described in European Union HNS guidelines, is part of the national response plan, and practiced in all exercises organised at national and international level (ModEx exercises). IGSU ensures the preparedness of its staff through courses and exercises organised under UCPM, platforms also used for the certification/recertification of national modules and teams for the European Civil Protection Pool.
Facts & figures
Romanian General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations - IGSU
Location: Str. Banu Dumitrache no. 46, Sector 2, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Phone: +40212420377 +40212086150
Fax: +40212420990
E-mail: igsu@mai.gov.ro
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Last updated: 10/01/2020