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Protection Civile et Operations d'Aide Humanitaire Européennes


Témoignages datant d’avant novembre 2021 peuvent être trouvées dans le site d’archives d’ECHO.  

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Témoignages (301)

Résultats 200 sur 220
Morocco earthquake: loss and pain in the Atlas Mountains 01

When a 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck Morocco late at night on 8 September, Sa’id was out of town, away from his family home, located in the small rural town of Tamaloukte, close to the earthquake’s epicentre.

  • Field blog
A women putting out a fire in a barrel with a blanket. In the background a firefighter/trainer.

One home fire can wipe out an entire neighbourhood in western Nepal’s urban areas, where buildings are often in poor condition and built close together. An EU-funded initiative teaches women, who are often the first responders, how to battle flames before they spread.

  • Field blog

4 years, 1 year, 3 months… the time people have spent in displacement sites around Mopti varies. But the reason they fled their homes is almost always the same: a brutal attack on their village. Aichata recounts how she, her husband, and children escaped on foot, leaving everything behind.

  • Field blog