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Protection Civile et Operations d'Aide Humanitaire Européennes

Dernières nouvelles

Les actualités antérieures à novembre 2021 sont disponibles sur le site d’archives d’ECHO.

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Dernières nouvelles (377)

Résultats 1 sur 10
  • News article

Children are disproportionately affected by armed conflict. They face violence, injury and death, recruitment or use by armed forces and armed groups, displacement and uprooting, interrupted education, lack of health care, long-lasting physical and mental trauma and much more.

  • 6 min de lecture
  • News article

This is the first use of the mechanism during this wildfire season this year. In total, as part of preparedness measures for the wildfire season, the EU has established a fleet of 32 aerial firefighting assets and 556 firefighters, pre-positioned across Europe.

  • 1 min de lecture