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Protection Civile et Operations d'Aide Humanitaire Européennes

Dernières nouvelles

Les actualités antérieures à novembre 2021 sont disponibles sur le site d’archives d’ECHO.

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Dernières nouvelles (375)

Résultats 70 sur 80
4 duty officers seen from the back while looking at a wall of screens with maps and other information on it
  • News article

After heavy rainfall the regions of Lower Saxony and Thuringia in Germany and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in France are facing floods and river overflows. In the past days, both countries have requested assistance via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism that has quickly mobilised emergency support.

  • 1 min de lecture
Photo of a bright yellow power generator seen from the front.
  • News article

The goal is to ensure sufficient supply of electricity during cold and dark months, but also to keep vital services like hospitals, wastewater treatments and heating stations up and running. For example, 40 of the 500 generators are designated for schools.

  • 2 min de lecture
View of a street with an EU logo on one of the walls. A woman standing in a porch looking at other people in the street.
  • Article d’actualité

Ce nouveau financement vise à renforcer la réponse aux besoins d'assistance alimentaire des personnes déplacées de force, en soutenant nos partenaires humanitaires, le Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM) et Action contre la faim (ACF), et en fournissant un soutien logistique pour les atteindre, par l'intermédiaire du Service aérien humanitaire des Nations unies (UNHAS).

  • 2 min de lecture
Commissioner Lenarčič
  • News article

Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič is attending today the 6th National Humanitarian Conference of France (CNH), where the French Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Catherine Colonna, is presenting the new Humanitarian Strategy of the French Republic (2023-2027).

  • 1 min de lecture
View of piles of luggage in the background people trying to cross the border.
  • News article

The funding comes from the EU’s Emergency Toolbox to respond to sudden onset crises. It adds on to the EU humanitarian aid allocated to Sudan this year, to contribute to the response to the cholera epidemic that has been claiming lives in the country since September 2023.

  • 1 min de lecture